Watch 'em fall

New blogs are sometimes a quick breath? Hah, does that even make sense- possibly not.

Let's try something that isn't complete and utter bullshit, shall we? (8) quick facts about me (oh g*d) these are for the lul's

  1. IF I had to choose between my cat (lol) and my family, I would hesitate for as long as I had. Think I'd choose the cat.
  2. I enjoy covering up my personality and having others believe a complete lie for the whole time we have a relationship.
  3. S&M anyone? Only (5) people have seen that person I am; can you guess their reactions?
  4. I can't smile, or screw in a light bulb (what!)
  5. My dream job is to be a dominatrix of course I don't tell everyday people this, so I lie and say "heart surgeon"; ha what a huge difference gap.
  6. When I like a male (guy,man,dude,boy) a LOT I do things to make them dislike me. Purposely. I have no confidence in that area so I do what I can to make myself lose interest, even if just a little (LIKE RIGHT NOW)
  7. Sleep in the day, live in the night - doesn't always work though. The night is gorgeous, but I am often tempted by cloudy days
  8. I haven't been to the doctors in over (5) years. I wonder if I have some weird disease!!!
"My loves a revolver, my sex is a killer. Do you want to die happy, do you want to die happy?"
Oh great news so far - though not really.
But I've lost (8) pounds, blahblah. Going to try some intense shit for a while since I want these twin-seys as small as possible.
OH MAMA PAPA what you do, what you do

Side note plz? Rihanna should getrhinoplasty.

Some simple things to add to my mental to-do list?

Visit http://www.himenail.com/english/index.html
Try dating, even though I dislike it
Buy some damn'd sunglasses
Buy these shoes by JUNE/JULY:

See you next ☆

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